If you enjoy the soft yet moldable texture of Hippie Hooray play dough, you can make it yourself at home!!
Easy DIY Play Dough Recipe
Find my playdough making supplies here (aff).
- 240g of flour (two cups)
- 150g cup of salt (3/4 cup)
- 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 4 teaspoons cornstarch for a silky smooth texture
- 2 tablespoons oil (vegetable, grapeseed, coconut, avocado - any oil should work but may give varying results)
- 2 cups of water
- Optional: food coloring or natural colors
- Optional: tea or spices for texture and scent
- Optional: essential oils
Tools needed: pot or mixer, parchment paper, plastic baggies, gloves, measuring cups, spatula or wooden spoon
Stovetop cooking method: Add salt, cream of tartar, cornstarch and oil to pot. Add boiling water and stir until salt is completely dissolved. (If making one color, add dye to your water.) Add flour and cook over medium heat stirring constantly until dough ball forms - about 2-3 minutes. Using caution, test for doneness - when dough no longer sticks to your finger it is ready! Place on parchment paper to cool. Knead thoroughly.
Boiling water/mixer method: Add flour, cream of tartar, cornstarch and oil to your mixing bowl. Place your salt in a glass measuring cup with extra space. Boil water and add to salt to dissolve. Add salt water to mixing bowl (add quickly, not slowly) and mix until combined - about 1 minute.
To make several colors with one batch: Use gloves and/or place dough in a plastic baggie to avoid staining your hands. Divide dough into equal portions and add a few drops of coloring to each. Knead thoroughly. Continue adding a few drops at a time and kneading to achieve your desired shade. Add any glitter, tea, or oils at the end!
Storage: Always play with clean, dry hands. Store homemade playdough in an airtight container.